事實上,到2024 年 ,全球 虛擬宇宙的總價值預計將接近
8,000 億美元
, 海灣合作委員會 (GCC) 國家積極參與這一成長趨勢。
該策略的目標是在未來 五年 內推動杜拜經濟成長
40 億美元
40,000 個
新就業機會。 此外,阿拉伯聯合大公國 (UAE) 推出了中東第一個元節孵化器,重點培育早期元節和 Web3 應用程序,從而引領了該地區的元節創新。
沙烏地阿拉伯 雄心勃勃的 NEOM 項目是 一項耗資 5000 億美元的 城市開發項目,其中包含的虛擬宇宙組件已經在塑造城市的建設過程。 透過為建築師、工程師和設計師提供虛擬協作工具,NEOM 旨在為房地產客戶量身定制專案的各個方面,從而利用 Metaverse 的潛力來增強專案管理和客戶參與度。
2030 年 ,虛擬宇宙將為海灣合作委員會經濟體注入
150 億美元
。 該預測涵蓋各個行業,包括旅遊和旅遊業、金融服務和房地產等。
旅行與旅遊業: 旅行和旅遊業將從虛擬宇宙中獲益匪淺,預計到 2030 年,海灣合作委員會地區的經濟將成長 32 億美元 。利用沉浸式虛擬體驗,沙烏地阿拉伯歷史悠久的埃爾奧拉和規劃中的娛樂城Qiddiya 等目的地旨在透過提供虛擬旅遊和身臨其境的娛樂設施來吸引遊客。
金融服務: 到 2030 年,海灣合作委員會的銀行和金融服務業可能會從元宇宙中創造 18 億美元 的價值。隨著阿聯酋在金融科技創新方面處於領先地位併計劃引入數位貨幣,區塊鏈技術和加密貨幣很可能在促進金融科技創新方面發揮關鍵作用。元宇宙交易,推動借貸和支付系統的創新。
Real Estate:The metaverse is expected to add$1 billionto the GCC real estate sector by 2030, with projects like NEOM embracing virtual representations to redefine customer experiences. NEOM’s XVRS, a virtual metaverse enabling virtual exploration of the city, showcases the potential for immersive experiences to enhance real estate development and client interactions.
The PwC report also outlines six key strategies for organizations to formulate a successful metaverse strategy:
Imagine the possibilities:Organizations should envision immersive experiences that highlight their offerings’ value and instill confidence among customers.
Identify relevant business use cases:Companies must strategically select pilot projects aligned with their business model and purpose to experiment with metaverse applications.
Build a robust digital infrastructure:Establishing scalable digital operations is essential for developing and delivering metaverse experiences that demand substantial computing power and cloud capability.
Get on the ball with blockchain:Understanding and investing in blockchain technology is crucial for ensuring secure and transparent transactions within the metaverse.
Get smarter about data:Enhancing data analytics and management capabilities is vital for harnessing the vast amounts of data generated in the metaverse to drive insights and decision-making.
Make cybersecurity a priority:Embedding cybersecurity across operations is essential to safeguard customer information and ensure trust in metaverse environments.
While the path to realizing the full potential of the metaverse may pose challenges, GCC governments and companies are actively embracing this frontier.
As regulatory frameworks evolve and technological advancements continue, the promise of value creation in the metaverse is ready to grow, shaping the future of economies and industries across the GCC region.
Credit: Unlock BC #metaverse #dubai #gcc #middleeast #UAE