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比特幣 (BTC)、以太坊 (ETH) 和 Solana (SOL):為比特幣 ETF 被拒絕的可能

2024 年,隨著監管力度的加強,加密貨幣將持續發展。


根據《富比士》報道,由於擔心比特幣 ETF 被拒絕,比特幣、以太坊、XRP 和 Solana 的價格突然暴跌,震驚了投資者,並為市場前景增添了一層不確定性。


儘管面臨這些挑戰,比特幣 (BTC)、以太坊 (ETH) 和 Solana (SOL) 仍然是投資者的焦點。


PawFury 預售:您進入加密貨幣遊戲的冒險與機會之門

在數位貨幣像潮水一樣潮起潮落的市場中,PawFury 憑藉其引人入勝的邊玩邊賺錢的區塊鏈遊戲成為了一家頗具吸引力的企業。

遊戲以 Paw 島為背景,將奇幻與生態意識融為一體,玩家與污染怪物戰鬥,恢復島上的自然美景。

在他們的任務中,玩家累積 PAW 貨幣,獲得強大的提升,並挖掘稀有收藏品來增強他們的線上冒險之旅。

這個領域充滿了 NFT 寶藏、稀有文物的數位替代品以及玩家可以收集和交換的化身。

PawFury 的成就透過排行榜得到認可,創造了一個充滿競爭和協作的環境。


PawFury 的質押允許玩家投資和發展他們的 $PAW 代幣投資組合,獲得 APY 獎勵並增強他們的遊戲體驗。

玩家可以透過將朋友帶入 PawFury 任務來擴大自己的圈子,透過其推薦計畫獲得友誼和獎金獎勵。

在 PawFury 預售中獲得一席之地就像搶到即將到來的遊戲革命的 VIP 門票一樣,賺取獎勵也是樂趣的一部分。

與代幣價值具有投機性的其他加密項目不同,$PAW 代幣是遊戲生態系統不可或缺的一部分。

隨著遊戲的受歡迎程度和玩家基礎的增長,$PAW 代幣的需求和價值預計將會上升,與其他加密貨幣的波動性相比,它提供了更可預測和更可靠的投資。

At this initial phase of support, investors not only gain early benefits like extra incentives and a glimpse into the game's mechanics but also have a hand in sculpting its trajectory. As an early investor in PawFury, you are not just buying a token; you are becoming part of a community committed to a sustainable future and a groundbreaking gaming experience.

Seize the Future Today: Join the PawFury Presale and Shape the World of Play-to-Earn Gaming!

Upcoming Events That Could Impact Bitcoin’s Price

Bitcoin's core qualities continue to nurture its potential for wider adoption, setting the stage for advancements like the burgeoning Lightning Network that promises swifter transactions. The expansion of the Bitcoin Lightning Network, striving to amplify transaction capability, persists as a favorable progression. Additionally, the number of so-called Bitcoin millionaires has surged, with wallets holding over a million in Bitcoin increasing by 300%.

However, the optimism once associated with institutional acceptance has been somewhat overshadowed by the recent market shake-up. The once-clear path of Bitcoin ETFs, envisioned as a conduit to legitimacy and widespread investment, now confronts an unpredictable horizon. Faced with a tangle of market forces and trying to keep its crown as the dominant digital currency, Bitcoin (BTC) is set for an erratic and challenging path in the coming months.

Technical Analysis of Bitcoin (BTC) Price

Studying Bitcoin's charts feels a bit like assembling a puzzle, as the most recent indicators and lines give hints about the direction the value might go next. At a low 21.90, the RSI suggests Bitcoin might be underpriced, potentially drawing in bargain hunters to invest. However, the MACD Level at −458.23 indicates a strong bearish momentum, and the Awesome Oscillator at −1619.68 further accentuates this bearish sentiment. The Stochastic %K at 35.87 shows some recovery from extreme lows but remains cautious.

In terms of moving averages, BTC's current price is hovering around pivotal levels. The 10-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) at $44,263.63 and the 20-day SMA at $44,692.17 act as immediate levels to watch for short-term price action. The 200-day SMA at $43,050.17 provides a crucial long-term perspective for Bitcoin (BTC), indicating a bearish direction if the price stays below this level. The Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) follow a similar pattern, with the 10-day EMA at $43,838.78 and the 50-day EMA at $44,349.27, further highlighting these key thresholds.

Bitcoin's Price Forecast – Oscillating Between Optimism and Caution

Looking ahead, Bitcoin (BTC) presents a scenario with both bullish and bearish possibilities. For bullish scenarios, if Bitcoin can rally past the immediate resistance at $43,612.21, it could target the next resistance levels at $44,939.70 and potentially even at $47,387.13. This upward movement would be bolstered by institutional acceptance and the increasing number of Bitcoin millionaires, signaling strong investor confidence.

However, in a bearish scenario, if Bitcoin breaks below the support at $41,164.78, it could test further supports at $40,044.84 and even $37,597.41. The bearish outlook is reinforced by the overall negative sentiment indicated by the oscillators and moving averages, as well as potential regulatory challenges and market volatility.

Ethereum's Promising Journey: Vitalik Buterin's Vision and Roadmap Unveiled

Ethereum (ETH), the renowned blockchain platform, has recently seen its price surge by nearly 10%, following visionary insights from its co-founder, Vitalik Buterin. Buterin's vision for Ethereum in 2024 is a clear signal of the blockchain’s pledge to constant advancement and its plans to scale up effectively. People are excited because big changes are coming to Ethereum, which promise to make things run smoother, bring down the network fees, and let users do more in less time.

Ethereum's eagerly anticipated upgrade, sharding, promises to divide the bustling blockchain into more manageable segments that could finally ease the chronic congestion plaguing its network. Ethereum continues attracting both creators and participants as upgrades reinforce its position in the crypto marketplace.

Lately, the buzz around Ethereum has been quite upbeat, with users excited about planned enhancements aimed at making it faster and more user-friendly. Even with the excitement surrounding Ethereum's improvements, those involved tread cautiously, knowing well that the whims of crypto markets are often swayed by shifting regulations and broader economic currents.

Technical Analysis of Ethereum (ETH) Price

From a technical standpoint, Ethereum's current price action shows a bearish trend, with a daily decrease of 6.29% and a weekly decline of 1.05%. However, over a six-month period, ETH has gained 19.56%, and its one-year performance stands at a strong 81.89%. The market capitalization of Ethereum is currently $265.366 billion, with a 24-hour trading volume of $17.152 billion. The immediate support for ETH is at $2,159.71, with the next significant support level at $2,037.30. The immediate resistance lies at $2,425.49, followed by the next level at $2,568.86. The 10-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) is at $2,321.49, while the 200-day SMA is at $2,319.14, indicating a potential resistance in these regions.

Ethereum (ETH) Price Forecast – Navigating Through Upgrades and Market Volatility

For bullish scenarios, Ethereum's price could see an upward trajectory if it breaks through the immediate resistance at $2,425.49. A successful breach could lead the price towards the next resistance at $2,568.86, and potentially, towards the 52-week high of $2,446.33. This positive movement could be bolstered by Ethereum's network upgrades and increasing adoption in the decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) sectors.

Conversely, in a bearish scenario, if Ethereum fails to hold the immediate support at $2,159.71, it could see a downward trend towards the next support at $2,037.30. A further decline could potentially lead ETH to test lower supports at $2,083.36 (1-month low) and even the 52-week low at $1,209.99.

Solana (SOL) Expands Influence and Strategic Acquisitions

Solana (SOL) is making significant strides in the cryptocurrency market, further cementing its position as a major player. Recently, Solana has achieved a notable milestone by becoming the leading chain in a key metric, stablecoin transfer volume, showing a remarkable 612% increase in a single month. As the ecosystem thrives, growing confidence from backers might further drive up SOL's market price. Furthermore, the acquisition of Solana block explorer Solscan by Etherscan, amidst a SOL price rally, marks a strategic expansion and also integrates it more closely with the broader Ethereum community. Such developments are likely to positively impact Solana's market perception and could potentially influence its price, signaling a robust outlook for SOL in a dynamic and evolving crypto landscape.

Technical Analysis of Solana (SOL) Price

The technical analysis of Solana (SOL) reflects a dynamic yet challenging market position. Currently, SOL is experiencing a significant downturn, with a daily decline of 9.36% and a weekly drop of 13.98%. However, over a longer period, SOL shows impressive growth, with a 6-month increase of 393.15% and a staggering one-year rise of 757.79%. Its market capitalization stands at $41.618 billion, with a 24-hour trading volume of $4.674 billion. The immediate support level for SOL is at $90.63, with a subsequent significant level at $79.55. On the resistance side, the immediate barrier is at $119.47, followed by a higher resistance at $137.23. The 10-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) at $103.88 and the 200-day SMA at $106.30 are also the key levels that could help determine SOL's short-term market direction.

From an oscillator perspective, the Relative Strength Index (RSI) at 27.50 suggests that SOL might be approaching oversold conditions, which could entice buyers. However, the MACD Level at −2.64 and the Bull Bear Power at −11.52 indicate a bearish trend. The Stochastic %K at 50.95 and the Ultimate Oscillator at 60.15 show some balance, adding a degree of uncertainty to the immediate price direction.

Solana (SOL) Price Forecast – Navigating a Path Through Market Uncertainties and Achievements

在看漲情況下,如果 Solana 能夠突破 119.47 美元的直接阻力位,則可能將下一個阻力位定為 137.23 美元。

這一積極的走勢可能是由於 Solana 最近在關鍵指標方面成為領先鏈所取得的成就以及 Etherscan 對 Solana 區塊瀏覽器 Solscan 的戰略收購而推動的。

相反,在看跌情況下,如果 SOL 未能維持在 90.63 美元的支撐位,則可能會面臨下行趨勢,跌向下一個支撐位 79.55 美元。


如果看跌趨勢占主導地位,並因外部市場壓力和投資者情緒的變化而進一步加劇,SOL 可能會測試較低的支撐位,反映出加密貨幣市場固有的不可預測性。


當我們在 2024 年加密貨幣海洋的動態浪潮中衝浪時,很明顯,比特幣 (BTC)、以太幣 (ETH) 和 Solana (SOL) 是值得關注的大魚。




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