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2024 年最值得關注的 3 種加密貨幣

RenderToken (RNDR) 是一個基於區塊鏈技術構建的平台,使藝術家和工作室能夠利用 GPU 渲染功能。

Injective (INJ) 是去中心化金融應用 (DeFi) 的領先平台,提供可靠的基礎設施,包括區塊鏈上的去中心化訂單簿。

Injective 是一種加密貨幣

Fantom (FTM) 不僅僅是區塊鏈;


渲染 (RNDR)

為了充分利用 GPU 渲染功能,藝術家和工作室可以使用 RenderToken(RNDR-USD),它本質上是區塊鏈上的創意動力來源。

如果你能看到它,這將是一個礦工渴望將 GPU 能力借給需要運算能力的藝術家的平台。

RNDR 由已故的偉大 Jules Urbach 於 2009 年提出概念,直到 2017 年才正式推出。同年 10 月,它進行了公開代幣銷售,以每枚 0.25 美元的價格出售了約 1.17 億枚 RNDR 代幣。

私募銷售時間為 2018 年 1 月至 5 月。

好消息是,他們創建了一個名為 The Render Network Foundation 的超級英雄慈善機構,其使命是支持和推廣 RNDR 協議和社區。


截至 2017 年,RNDR 是世界上最大的去中心化 GPU 運算和雲端渲染網絡,能夠渲染超過 50 萬個場景和 1600 萬幀。



RNDR的大腦不會離開,包括OTOY Inc.和核心開發人員;



埃隆在過去二十年裡創造和積累的一切……隨著 Dojo 項目的揭幕,埃隆馬斯克的下一個重大顛覆即將達到頂峰。

單射 (INJ)

交易所、預測市場、借貸協議和其他新一代去中心化金融應用程式 (DeFi) 都可以在 Injective (INJ-USD) 平台上找到立足之地。



以太坊虛擬機器 (EVM) 並不是其相容性所必需的;

其他區塊鏈,包括 Solana (SOL-USD),都可以利用它。

它使用 Cosmos SDK 並具有權益證明設置,因此交易速度很快。

With support from prominent figures including as Binance, Pantera Capital, Jump Crypto, and the legendary Mark Cuban, the Injective gang is formidable, boasting over a hundred projects and an enormous worldwide network.

The central exchange module of Injective is like the beating heart of the system; it has a state-of-the-art blockchain order book, is impervious to manipulation, and customers pay no gas costs.

The "smart" component, smart contracts, are easily built with CosmWasm, allowing for smooth transactions between chains. Similar to a VIP ticket, the INJ token controls protocol upgrades, blockchain security, and the incentive program for new developers.

Regular traders may participate in the activity using Pre-release Futures on Helix, an exchange that is built on Injective. Trading Celestia (TIA-USD) and similar tokens before they formally launch is like having a backstage access.

Another ground-breaking move by Injective is their inEVM Layer 2 rollup solution, which enables native execution of Ethereum applications on its network. It's as if additional opportunities in the blockchain arena are being unlocked.


Instead of being merely another blockchain, Fantom (FTM-USD) aims to fix the speed problems that platforms like Ethereum are experiencing by use of decentralized smart contracts.

The Fantom Foundation launched it in 2019 with the goal of making decentralized apps (DApps) integration easier and giving built-in capabilities for decentralized finance (DeFi). It is open source and user-friendly.

The revolutionary consensus mechanism known as Lachesis is at the core of Fantom; it ensures the safety and quickness of transactions. Asynchronous, leaderless, Byzantine fault-tolerant, and promising near-instant finality—this blockchain isn't like any other.

The magic happens in Fantom's core network, which is called Opera. Its compatibility with the Solidity programming language and integration with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) make it ideal for decentralized applications (DApps) and allow for smooth platform interactions with Ethereum.

They just released Fantom Sonic, a revolutionary improvement that breaks all the rules with its new virtual machine, better storage, and optimized consensus. Users and developers may test out the lightning-fast speed on an existing network before the official launch in the spring of 2024.

Nevertheless, difficulties are plaguing even the powerful. A security breach involving a compromised wallet was reported in October. Thankfully, the issue was promptly resolved by the Fantom Foundation, in collaboration with a security researcher who was rewarded handsomely with $1.7 million.


