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UNI Token Empowerment and Proposal Upgrade

UNI was affected by the news yesterday. UNI increased by more than 50%. The current price is running around 12The news mainly comes from the Uniswap Foundation’s article. The main content of the article is to design a new proposal. The main contents of the proposal include:1. Upgrade Uniswap protocol governance to achieve license-free and programmatic collection of protocol fees;2. Allocate any protocol fees proportionally to UNI token holders who have staked and delegated their voting rights;3. Allow governance to continue to control core parameters: which pools require payment, and the size of the fee.Among them, we only need to pay attention to the second one. Simply put, this one means that as long as you stake UNI, you can enjoy various fees of Uniswap. It is equivalent to holding UNI, and you have a golden shovel. Shovel is similar to holding BNB in ​​An'an. This is the most perfect empowerment for UNI. Uniswap is recognized as the leader in the defi module. This round of empowerment for UNI is a milestone for it.At present, the project has performed well in terms of fundamentals, value support, and token empowerment, and can enter our core currency observation area.In terms of operation, do not chase highs, focus on the opportunity to step back, focus on the 10.5-9.8 range, arrange spot stocks on dips, and hold in the medium and long term UNI Token Empowerment and Proposal Upgrade


