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Trading Life: Learning from the Experts

Advice for novices who want to speculate in currencies and find a path that suits themThe currency circle is so volatile and it’s so easy to make money, why don’t others come to play? I have had such doubts before. For people like ETF to save the world, there is no doubt that he is a smart man, and extremely smart, and his knowledge exceeds that of most people. Moreover, he has known about Bitcoin for a long time, but he does not Play this;Including Lao Hua, many people may not know him. He is also a celebrity. The one who bought 100 million Tencent shares on Station B. I have recommended Bitcoin to him several times before, but they are not interested at all.Why don't they come to speculate in coins? Aren't they jealous when they see that this circle is so volatile and the bonus period is still there?Because they have all found their own way, are walking their own way, have no interest in what others are doing, and will not be easily brainwashed.What I’m teaching you is just the path I’m taking. This path may not necessarily be the best, but it’s definitely the easiest to get rich. You should think about what you want to do and find a way to walk on this path. An excellent person should learn from him and become him, instead of always paying attention to a bunch of people and learning what a bunch of people are doing.You must believe that there is a way to win in trading, and there is a path to success in anything you do. You don’t have to be highly talented, you just need to have your own independent thinking, read more, think more and experience more.▼Most accomplished people love reading booksIn Journey to the West, some monsters are the wicks, eagles on the shoulders, and mounts of the Buddha. They have become spiritual masters because they have listened to Buddhism for many years. Many things that ordinary people can only understand after having their heads broken and bleeding, in the eyes of experts It's just a matter of a few words. You will never have a meal with Buffett in your life and listen to his opinions. But if you want to see the essence of his thoughts, you only need to spend dozens of dollars to buy a book.People who can really make money have a very distinctive characteristic: they love to read. Buffett once said that none of the smart people he has ever seen read.Xiaoxia, many people think it is very good, but I don’t think so. Big Vs often communicate and discuss some things, and they will recommend things to each other that they think are good. If I recommend it to him, everyone will actually read it. So many books were recommended in the group before?How many books have you read and how many times have you read them?▼How to make 100 million in the currency circleToday I was discussing with a friend, how to make big money in the currency circle?The big money here refers to at least more than 100 million.There is only one factor that can determine whether you can make big money, and that is courage. Courage is one of the necessary factors for making big money. As long as you want to make big money, more than 100 million, you must have this kind of mentality and cognition. , technology, has almost nothing to do with it.This mentality requires you not to treat money as money. This is very difficult for most of us. When you have tens of millions, a 20% retracement is five to six million. This pair has just started to make a fortune. To the rich, it looks like a huge retracement, which is unacceptable.Only when you can accept it, will it be possible for the funds to move upward, otherwise it will stop here forever.There is a person named Xiao Liancai in the currency circle. He used to have 170 million funds, but in the end he only had 260W7 left after going long to carry the monoclonal resistance. This means that he does not regard money as money at all, so he can become rich suddenly.If it were anyone else, even me, I would have been crushed from heaven to hell. The reason he doesn't care is because he still has several hundred million left, and his family is also very rich.There are very few people who can treat money as money even when they have no money. Liang Xi is one of them. He is indeed talented in this regard.Many people can't make big money in the currency circle because they were bold in the currency circle at the beginning, and then they started losing money, and the losses became more and more timid. Then it is basically hopeless, let alone making big money, if you want to make money It's all very difficult.Of course, courage is not necessarily a good thing. Profit and loss come from the same source. If you are bold + good luck, you will go to heaven. If you are bold + bad luck, you will jump.keep patient Charlie Munger said: When the probability of success is high, place the largest bet and do nothing the rest of the time. Note that the key to this sentence is not "the biggest bet", but "stand still". In other words, there are few opportunities for market certainty. Most of the time investment is actually waiting, and during the waiting process, the most important thing is to ensure the safety of funds.If you haven't made any money in the bull market in the past two years, it's a bit nonsense to want to make money at the end of the period.Hold on to profits and wait patiently for the next rising cycle. How much money a person can make depends 99% on the historical process, not on one's own efforts. Only efforts that coincide with the historical process are meaningful.In other words, as long as you are in the right direction and rolling positions during big trend fluctuations, you will succeed. Without big fluctuations, no matter how hard you try, you will be wrong.Whether it's life or trading, there are rarely things that you can control. It's more about destiny, or momentum. As Buffett said, my success is that I won the uterus lottery, was born in the United States, and has a century-old national destiny. of the United States.If Buffett was born in China or even Africa, it would be meaningless no matter how hard he works.Personal success must depend on the general trend, whether it is entrepreneurship or trading. When there is no trend, you need to calm yourself more.Trading Life: Learning from the Experts


