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AI opening price prediction

  • AI
  • 2024-01-04 14:18:45
  • 89

In fact, I didn’t write this at the beginning before. When I was halfway through writing, I saw that the 43rd project of#Binnacewas posted, so I deleted everything I wrote in front of it, because I felt that in such a radical situation, I couldn’t do it. It should be calculated according to a conservative plan. Of course, we also need to talk about conservative methods. After all, no one knows what will really happen. But last time I swore to my friends that the 42nd one would be the last one in December, and the result was correct. There is indeed no December, and the new one is in January. I just don’t know if there will be one in January. Will continue like this uninterrupted. I'm glad I decided to invest in BNB.

At 18:00 pm on January 4th, Beijing time, the new phase of the LaunchPool project $AI will be online. This time we will continue to speculate on the opening price. The income of the projects in recent consecutive phases has been between 3% and 4%. In other words, if you invest 100#BNBin ​​mining, the income will be around 3 to 4 $BNB. This is the basis and a conservative algorithm. Next, let’s make a guess based on the known data.

According to current mining data, 100 BNB can mine 2.3 AI in one hour, and about 387 AI can be mined in one cycle. If calculated based on 3% staking income, the price of 3 BNB is US$960, on average The price of AI is around US$2.5. Considering that the opening prices of the last two projects were both at 3%, we can know that the stable opening price of AI should be around US$2.5. Calculating it this way, if you can buy chips for less than $2, you have a high probability of making a profit.

If the project team has a larger structure and can achieve 4% income, that is, 100 BNB pledges can be exchanged for 4 BNB, then the price of AI should be around US$3.5, and some friends may say 4% income. It’s a little difficult, but that’s not necessarily the case. This time the AI ​​project team @SleeplessAI_Lab itself has successful experience in the traditional game field. It was created by the mature traditional game team "Love and Producer". The users who participated during the test have already It's a lot, and the stickiness of the product is pretty good.

Compared with the previous game project ACE, the liquidity of ACE when it opened was 14.5%, and the liquidity of $AI when it opened was 13%. In terms of selling pressure, AI will face less, and judging from the financing situation , in addition to traditional WEB3 financing, the NFT sold at NFP yesterday reached more than 2.5 million US dollars. Coupled with the creation of a well-known team, the money should not be bad. Not to mention that the project team itself also occupies the AI ​​​​track, and the market popularity will at least not be lower than the previous ones.

From the judgment, we can probably know that the opening price of AI should be between 2.5 US dollars and 3.5 US dollars. Whether it can continue to go higher depends on the structure of the project side. Similarly, the opening price of ACE, the gaming track, is not the peak. , on the contrary, it rose for four consecutive days and reached its peak on the third day. If AI can maintain this trend, it is not impossible to rise above $4.

Finally, let me talk about my personal strategy this time. If the opening can be stable above 2.5 US dollars, which is a 3% profit, then I will layout it. Yes, I will layout it again. If it can be stable above 3 US dollars the next day, then My second target will be above $4. If it can really exceed $4, then continue the pattern. Buying in the secondary market also follows this method. If the price is lower than 2 US dollars, a position will definitely be opened. It is not even ruled out that buying near 2.5 US dollars can at least protect the capital. Especially since I have $AI mined for free, the fault tolerance rate will be higher.

This is what I want to say. In the previous bear market, "dig, raise and sell" was the best plan (selling here refers to selling back to #BNB). But in the bull market, the greater opportunity LaunchPool gives is not how much money can be mined for free, but on the basis of free, it provides higher trial and error opportunities and trial and error costs. When reducing losses, you can try to game more high yield.

For example, if you mine $100 for free, then you buy another $900 of Tokens. When the total position is $1,000, even if you can only sell $900, it is not a loss, but if you have more, you can buy more chips and earn more. Multiple funding opportunities. Of course, this is also my personal opinion, and it doesn’t mean everyone should do it.

So comprehensively speaking, as I have been saying before, luck is very important in investment, but not all investors have the most luck, but high-certainty investment does not require much good luck. All you need is persistence. We have been talking about fixed investment in $BNB for a long time, and#Binancehas launched a project almost every month in the past year. How much you earn depends on your personal trading level, but for BNB holdings For some, this is free prostitution.

And we have already seen the recent trend. After resolving the lawsuit with the United States, Binance has also begun to usher in the bull market of LaunchPool. The continuous new projects will be of great help to BNB Chain and BNB prices. The changes in the price of $BNB are obvious to all, but I believe this is not the end. At most, the bull market has just begun, and what follows is a more magnificent sea of ​​stars. Holding and rolling BNB may be the next step with high certainty. One of the profit plans.

That's what I said a year ago, and I still say that now.

