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Bitcoin high box sideways tradingEthereum makes up for its gains, and altcoins take off.Bitcoin trades sideways at highs for two weeksEthereum breaks through the pressure and the trend is upward. This was the trend mentioned by everyone on Binance Square on February 17. It proves my point pretty well.What we see next is that the longer Bitcoin trades sideways, the more sector rotation there will be as other altcoins take off.Bitcoin is currently on a correction. If it is in the range of 46,000 to 48,000, it can still be received depending on the situation. Ethereum may rise to around 3500 to 3700 yuan during the correction.So how do we seize this wave of copycat styles?Share your personal views.The first is to find a good trend, especially the weekly level sideways movement. The longer it is horizontal, the taller it grows.Second, find a good sector rotation. All funds are limited, and the rotation of capital sectors can bring about a lot of gains for copycat pens.Third, find hot spots.Fry the new, not the old. At present, a trend has formed in this industry, which means that the old coins are under pressure and the cars are too heavy.New coins can be speculated on and can rise and double indefinitely.During this process, we must continue. Grasping these key points, it is very impressive to increase your assets by 10 times in one year!If you are interested in trading technology and want to have your own trading system like me, you can trade with ease whether it is long-term or short-term trading! Come to my community to communicate and let us have more Bitcoins together Remember to follow me Your attention gives me more motivation to share useful information with everyone! I will share the wealth password at any timeRemember to check  out my community and follow me for more insights


