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Bitcoin: The Slow and Steady Path to Correction an

Are you expecting Bitcoin to lead the currency circle to plummet? It is not realistic in a short time now, because the main players in Bitcoin have already changed from retail investors to institutions and large investors, and the consensus is huge.Even if there is a subsequent correction, we have to wait for the main force to finish shipping the goods, and the main force has more than one sickle, playing with each other, and no one dares to shoot out the bullet in one go. This determines that the subsequent correction of Bitcoin will be a slow one. People's hearts, from the K-line, will be in the shape of an arc top. If it doesn't brew for 5-7 weeks, it may be difficult to finish the goods and plunge into the pin. This time, Bitcoin only fluctuated for 9 days. Only in terms of time Watching is totally not enough.During this period of shock, some high-quality currencies will have the opportunity to explode. Last time, I compiled some coins recommended by currency friends in their comments and wrote the first article: If there are other high-quality currencies, you are welcome to recommend them, study them together, and get rich together!Bitcoin: The Slow and Steady Path to Correction an


