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Focus on SOL and its ecology in 2024!

Why we should bet on#SOLand its ecosystem#AIand #DePINAs investors, we are very concerned about the overall potential market of a track’s TAM (Total Addressable Market).From the perspective of traditional public chain innovation, there are four directions that are the prelude to this round of application explosion: AI, Depin, RWA, and Gamefi. I have always advocated that this cycle will be an era of thin protocols and fat applications, and top applications like WeChat, Alipay, and Facebook will be born. However, there are still many public chains building their own protocols or modular solutions, which are actually lagging behind. Many times our investment research team holds brainstorming meetings and often discusses whether we need so many L2s, so many modular layers, and so much staking logic?Perhaps we should use a more concise solution to provide application developers with convenient SDK or API interfaces, and provide a spacious and flat runway with good scalability, superior performance, complete functions, and a spacious and flat runway for these passionate young people to start their imagination and creativity. , instead of making them choose between various protocols, difficult and trial-and-error. At the same time, the rich applications will also feed back the traffic introduced by the traditional Internet market to the Web3 field.#SOL did not choose more solutions, but focused on its L1, provided a complete infrastructure implementation, and naturally attracted a large number of application builders.And#AIand#Depinare giving wings to#SOLprice-to-market valuations.#AI's current valuation in the overall Web3 field is less than 23 billion US dollars. The current largest market value is #TAO, MC 3.6 billion US dollars, and FDV 12 billion US dollars.#Messariestimates that by 2030, the overall#AIin the Web3 field will be The market value will be as high as 2.8 trillion US dollars. A full 121 times growth.#Depin’s current valuation in the overall Web3 field is less than 40 billion US dollars (part of which overlaps with #AI). It is estimated that by 2028, it will reach 3.5 trillion, a full 88-fold growth.At present, the leaders of the basically mainstream#AIand#Depintracks are building or migrating on the#SOLchain. For example:#RNDR@rendernetwork and#HNT@heliumwhy is that? Because of#SOLchain performance and sound infrastructure.1.#AIand#Depinshould prioritize high throughput and low fees, especially large-scale micropayments that incentivize contributors. Sol chain currently has a conventional TPS of around 5,000, and can theoretically handle 50,000-65,000 TPS on the main network. This feat puts it in line with traditional global payment networks such as Visa. With the upgrade of#Firedancerin mid-24, it is expected that TPS will be 600000-1000000 TPS, which should be the first among public chains running smart contracts.2. Powerful token standards and ecosystem: A vibrant ecosystem with proven DEX, as well as cNFT (compressed NFT provides NFT minting for#HNTmillion hotspots at a cost of only 5 SOL), pNFT (programmable NFT) ), token extensions, etc., provide the basic components for the development and launch of#AIand#DePINprojects.Cases (there are many more, just list some):1. SPL token standard and token extension: Token extension is the next generation SPL (Solana Library) token standard, with advanced features such as confidential transfers, transfer pegs, transfer fees, non-transferable tokens, interest-bearing tokens, etc.2. The GetCode protocol can implement large-scale micropayments in the DePIN project.

3. Oracles and interoperability: Oracles are an important source of truth for off-chain asset data. Solana has two main oracles - Pyth and Switchboard, and cross-chain messaging protocols like Wormhole facilitate cross-chain interoperability.3.Solana Mobile: Solana is unique in having its own mobile phone, demonstrating its commitment to ecological application integration. Solana Mobile 1 already has a user base of 20,000, while Solana Mobile 2 has more than 50,000 pre-orders. Many SOL applications will be integrated, including the free trial#HNT5G network,#SHDWpersonal cloud disk storage (similar to Dropbox), etc.4. Solana Foundation + Multicoin @multicoincap: The value experience brought to traditional users in the era of fat applications has provided many beautiful ideas and practical actions in large-scale investment-related application fields.At the same time, while building huge applications, the public chain will have an ecological return within itself, strengthen itself, form a positive flywheel strengthening, and create strong barriers.1. Huge user traffic: Projects like Helium have greatly increased the number of active wallets. Helium alone reports more than 60,000 monthly active wallets participating in activities such as claiming, staking, delegating or burning tokens, and more than 30,000 wallets using other SPL programs, highlighting the impact Helium has on the Solana ecosystem.2. Legitimacy and brand: From a regulatory perspective, DePIN demonstrates Solana’s practical applications and value to regulators and policymakers, enhancing its legitimacy and brand.At present, #SOL, as the label of American public chains, has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, especially in the hearts of American primary and secondary capital. This status will gradually deepen with the explosion of the fat application era. In this cycle,#SOLwill definitely become more popular. Shine!#内容挖矿

Focus on SOL and its ecology in 2024!


