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5 種加密貨幣將於 2024 年大幅上漲

加密貨幣市場正處於大幅上漲的邊緣,預計到 2024 年,總市值將從目前的 1.6 兆美元增加到 3.2 兆美元。這種成長伴隨著全球加密貨幣所有者數量預計從 575 兆美元增加百萬至850 至9.5 億之間。

推動這一看漲趨勢的是幾個鏈上指標和比特幣 (BTC) 價值的顯著飆升,儘管它仍低於 2021 年的峰值。

Bitfinex 的專家表示,比特幣 (BTC) 正在準備加入大聯盟,估值可能達到數兆美元。

關注比特幣 (BTC) 恐懼和貪婪指數的趨勢,該指數目前正在向貪婪傾斜——這一指標表明我們可能正處於牛市的風口浪尖。

比特幣 (BTC) 有望實現成長,不僅因為越來越多的大玩家押注於它,還因為圍繞潛在的美國比特幣 ETF 的熱議引發了人們的興奮。

即將到來的 4 月比特幣減半事件預計也將對市場產生正面影響。

在此背景下,Solana (SOL)、Cardano (ADA)、Near Protocol (NEAR)、Polygon (MATIC)、Osmosis (OSMO) 和 ScapesMania 等加密貨幣被定位為準備在 2024 年大幅上漲的五種加密貨幣。資產具有獨特的功能和不斷發展的生態系統,隨著加密貨幣採用率的上升,這些資產可能會在2024 年使它們受益匪淺。

與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創新浪潮


ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。

透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。

廣泛的功能與最好的技術、專業的團隊以及長期、雄心勃勃的願景相結合,可以使 ScapesMania 成為加密領域的下一個重大事件。


預售現已開始 – 立即加入,即有機會受益於 MANIA

在屢獲殊榮的開發團隊的支持下,ScapesMania 代表著透明度。


推動客戶參與並確保每個人都透過出色的代幣經濟和豐厚的獎勵受益,這使得 ScapesMania 成為一個擁有光明未來的計畫。


Solana (SOL):攀登新高度

在 DeFi 和 NFT 領域擴張帶來的顯著復甦的推動下,Solana (SOL) 在加密貨幣世界掀起了波瀾。

Solana (SOL) 與領先交易所的合作以及 SPL 代幣的推出為其在激烈的加密貨幣競爭中提供了真正的推動力。

If Solana (SOL) continues on its current path, it's expected to oscillate between $98.93 and $517.94 in 2024. The Solana (SOL) cutting-edge tech and savvy market moves have it poised for a serious value spike, signaling an exciting climb from where it stands now.

While the coin's value is on an upward trend, it faces certain challenges that may impede its growth. Predictions indicate that Solana (SOL) could ascend to around $250, though this target is more realistically set for 2025 or beyond, indicating a gradual yet consistent growth trajectory.

Cardano (ADA): Pioneering Change in the DeFi Sector

Cardano (ADA) has seen an impressive 180% increase in its total value locked (TVL) in the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector, jumping from $188.65 million to $413.61 million currently. With a stunning leap in DeFi value, Cardano (ADA) is on the rise, thanks to trailblazers like Indigo and Minswap who are not just playing catch-up but setting the pace with a laser focus on user protection and smooth experiences. Pioneers such as Indigo, Minswap, and Liqwid are spearheading this surge, solidifying the Cardano (ADA) status in the competitive DeFi arena.

Should the current trend continue, Cardano (ADA) is projected to have a price range of $0.560 to $3.11 in 2024. With sustained momentum, the value of Cardano (ADA) could soar, reflecting the market's trust in its advanced technology and increasing influence in the DeFi space.

Crypto buffs are buzzing with talk that Cardano (ADA) worth might soar, even suggesting a massive 6,000% leap—a sign of their soaring optimism and belief in its bright prospects. This forecast is rooted in a strong weekly trend from June 2020, suggesting a potential similar upswing for Cardano (ADA). Should Cardano (ADA) keep on this track, it's poised to break past its highest prices ever, proving its relentless pursuit of innovation and building trust with users.

Near Protocol (NEAR): Enhancing Blockchain Accessibility

Near Protocol (NEAR) is attracting attention for its user-friendly platform and high-performance blockchain. Near Protocol (NEAR) is quickly becoming a standout by simplifying dApp creation and overcoming the typical hurdles that bog down established blockchains.

If the current price trend persists, Near Protocol (NEAR) is anticipated to range between $3.44 and $9.11 in 2024. Near Protocol (NEAR) climb in value could well hinge on its slick tech upgrades and pulling in a solid crowd of devs and users.

The future of Near Protocol (NEAR) in the dynamic blockchain space depends on its ability to attract a robust community of users and developers. Its innovative approach and performance enhancements could spur growth, especially as people seek blockchain platforms that offer scalability and user-friendliness. However, its destiny is also intertwined with market trends, adoption rates, and its ability to distinguish itself among numerous competitors.

Polygon (MATIC): Enhancing Adoption with Scalable Solutions

Polygon (MATIC) is gaining recognition for its scalable solutions and dedication to nurturing a multi-chain Ethereum ecosystem. Polygon (MATIC) popularity is increasing because of its lower fees and faster processing. The market has responded positively, reflecting confidence in Polygon (MATIC) strategy and future prospects.

If the trend continues, Polygon (MATIC) is expected to see a price range between $0.868094 and $3.34 in 2024. This indicates a potential significant increase for Polygon, driven by optimism for its broader application and technological advancements.

Polygon (MATIC) horizon looks bright as it powers through, beefing up its network to handle more traffic and snagging a bigger slice of the blockchain pie. The growing demand for Ethereum-compatible blockchains could lead to Polygon (MATIC) capturing a larger market share. Polygon (MATIC) might have a shot at grabbing more of the market, but it's got to weave through some tough regulations and stay clear of network traffic jams. While the general outlook is optimistic, the volatile nature of the market means that nothing is guaranteed.

Osmosis (OSMO): Navigating a Dynamic DeFi Environment

Osmosis (OSMO) has recently seen a significant surge, with its trading volume increasing and leading to an impressive rally of about 121% in the past month. This growth is attributed to the vibrancy of its network and the implementation of strategic updates throughout the year. The Osmosis (OSMO) Decentralized Exchange, its flagship decentralized application (DApp), has also seen a notable rise in trading activity, indicating increased user engagement and market interest.

If Osmosis (OSMO) maintains its current trajectory, it could see a substantial rise in 2024, with projections suggesting a low of around $1.701657 and a high of up to $5.18. With its trajectory on point, Osmosis (OSMO) seems geared up for a notable surge in market interest come 2024.

With Osmosis (OSMO) grabbing the spotlight and boosting its trade activity, it's shaping up to be a standout player in the coming year. To keep its growth trajectory, Osmosis (OSMO) must hold onto the high interest and trading volume it's seeing. Osmosis (OSMO) next hurdles will be telling; they'll show if it can keep climbing or if it's peaked. Pushing past these hurdles could spark more progress, but any slip-ups risk dragging Osmosis (OSMO) back to lower safety nets.


加密市場正在為 2024 年的大幅上漲做準備,預計市值將增至 3.2 兆美元,全球加密貨幣所有者將激增至 9.5 億。



在這種有利的環境下,Solana (SOL)、Cardano (ADA)、Near Protocol (NEAR)、Polygon (MATIC) 和 Osmosis (OSMO) 等加密貨幣預計將經歷大幅上漲。

Solana (SOL) 在 DeFi 和 NFT 領域取得了長足進步,預計 2024 年其價值將大幅波動。Cardano (ADA) 正在攪動 DeFi 領域,其鎖定價值飆升——這是我們可以看到其市場的強烈信號價格起飛。

隨著 NEAR 協議 (NEAR) 平台在開發者中大受歡迎,人們紛紛討論其價值很快就會起飛。

隨著 Polygon (MATIC) 在蓬勃發展的以太坊網路中更加註重可擴展性,它顯然正在為光明的未來奠定基礎。

在熙熙攘攘的 DeFi 領域,Osmosis (OSMO) 以其激增的交易量和活躍的網路活動引起了轟動,這表明它有望在不久的將來實現大幅增長。


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