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2024 年的加密貨幣淘金熱:10 種山寨幣引領潮流

正如 Bitfinex Alpha 報告所強調的那樣,加密領域正在經歷一波樂觀情緒。

分析師預測,到 2024 年,市值將飆升至 3.2 兆美元。全球加密貨幣所有者數量大幅增加可能會推動這一激增,可能從目前的 5.75 億增加到 850 至 9.5 億。

因此,對 2024 年的預測是明確的:在全球用戶群不斷增長以及機構投資者期待美國 SEC 批准比特幣 ETF 的熱切推動下,一波熱情可能會將比特幣 (BTC) 推向前所未有的高度。



Render (RNDR)、Sei (SEI)、Iota (IOTA)、Near Protocol (NEAR)、Polygon (MATIC)、Maverick Protocol (MAV)、LeverFi (LEVER)、Filecoin (FIL)、Stellar (XLM)、Dogecoin (DOGE ) )和 ScapesMania (MANIA) 是潛在的山寨幣,將站在最前沿,在 2024 年加密貨幣淘金熱中引領潮流。

與 ScapesMania 一起駕馭創新浪潮


ScapesMania (MANIA) 是一個平衡良好、精心設計的項目,可作為遊戲生態系統。

透過 DAO 治理,支持者將能夠影響價值數十億美元的產業並從中受益。

廣泛的功能與最好的技術、專業的團隊以及長期、雄心勃勃的願景相結合,可以使 ScapesMania 成為加密領域的下一個重大事件。


預售現已開始 – 立即加入,即有機會受益於 MANIA

在屢獲殊榮的開發團隊的支持下,ScapesMania 代表著透明度。


推動客戶參與並確保每個人都透過出色的代幣經濟和豐厚的獎勵受益,這使得 ScapesMania 成為一個擁有光明未來的計畫。



Render (RNDR) 最近慶祝了一項非凡的成就,達到了今年年初以來的最高點,並在2023 年顯示出令人印象深刻的1,100% 的價值增長。在相對強弱指數(RSI) 和艾略在特波浪分析的支持下,這一上漲這一趨勢顯著提升了該項目的市場地位,使其價值接近 5 美元。

If Render (RNDR) manages to maintain the upward trajectory, it is likely to fluctuate between $3.97 and $7.20 in 2024. This indicates significant growth, attracting more investors with its technological prowess and market position.

Boasting technological advantage and increasing investor interest, Render (RNDR) is on track for a robust rise in the market. The ongoing positive trend and the potential for new highs are supported by technical indicators. However, it is important to take into account the strong resistance at the $5.5 level, which, if reached, could lead to a significant drop in price.

Sei (SEI): Pioneering a Rapid Future

Sei Network has recently witnessed an impressive 50% increase in Sei (SEI) token value, surpassing many competitors and capturing significant investor interest. The surge in Sei (SEI) token value is attributed to its unique trading-focused architecture and an integrated order-matching engine at Layer 1, which sets it apart in the cryptocurrency arena. Sei (SEI) tech rockets through transactions, hitting a breakneck speed with 300-millisecond finality that puts it ahead in the blockchain race.

If the trend persists, Sei (SEI) might see its value range from $0.361347 to $0.554751 in 2024, indicating a promising upward trend and optimism surrounding its recent tech advancements.

The upcoming Sei v2 upgrade promises the debut of a "parallelized" Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) that combines the best aspects of Solana and Ethereum. Sei (SEI) is gearing up to unleash an upgrade that is all about smoothing out the kinks for developers and boosting transaction speeds, potentially reaching a brisk 12,500 per second. Sei's knack for pushing boundaries and attracting coders puts it on track to be a big deal in blockchain, always one step ahead of the technology curve.

Iota (IOTA): Soaring to New Heights with Abu Dhabi Ecosystem Initiative

Iota (IOTA) has seen a significant 43% increase in price following the announcement of the establishment of an ecosystem development foundation in Abu Dhabi. The IOTA Ecosystem DLT Foundation, which will be backed by $100 million in locked Iota (IOTA) tokens over four years, aims to foster growth and innovation.

If the current trend continues, Iota (IOTA) could find its price between $0.282303 and $0.656973 in 2024. With strategic moves and breakthroughs in IoT technology, the price of Iota could well soar within this optimistic range.

The establishment of the IOTA Ecosystem DLT Foundation in Abu Dhabi has boosted investor confidence in the project's vision, significantly driving up the price as it prepares for future expansion. To maintain this momentum and capitalize on its new initiatives, Iota (IOTA) must strategically navigate its next steps.

NEAR Protocol (NEAR): Capturing Innovation with Bitcoin Inscriptions

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) has recently embraced Bitcoin inscriptions, resulting in a dramatic surge in its blockchain transaction volume, a twelvefold increase in a matter of days, indicating a rising interest and activity in the NEAR ecosystem.

If the price remains on the current trajectory, the NEAR protocol (NEAR) could see its value range from $3.44 to $9.11 in 2024. Technical upgrades and a growing user base are pushing the value of the token upward.

The integration of Bitcoin could boost NEAR Protocol (NEAR) value. However, the market's fluctuating sentiment, swinging between hope and caution, mirrors the diverse reactions to these innovations.

Polygon (MATIC): Bracing for a Significant Shift

Polygon (MATIC) is signaling an impending substantial price movement, spurred by a recent uptick in whale activity. While Polygon (MATIC) has been relatively stable, the increased interest from major investors suggests a looming significant price shift.

Should the trend continue, Polygon (MATIC) is expected to see its value range between $0.868094 and $3.34 in 2024. However, this indicates Polygon (MATIC) could see significant growth.

In fact, the recent whale activity has caught the attention of investors anticipating the next major market move. By increasing Ethereum's reach, Polygon (MATIC) is playing a key role in attracting more companies to the blockchain arena.

Emerging Cryptocurrencies to Watch: Diverse Innovations and Challenges

While the established giants still dominate the cryptocurrency scene, newer projects are introducing new strategies. Lesser-known cryptocurrencies offer unique opportunities, but also come with challenges around decentralized exchange, leverage, storage, and access.

In the bustling world of DeFi, the Dynamic Distribution AMM of Maverick Protocol (MAV) is a true standout, quickly hitting over $2.5 billion in trading volume and making waves among decentralized exchanges. While Maverick Protocol (MAV) has soared past a $141 million in market cap, its future hinges on navigating the unpredictable DeFi world and outpacing fierce rivals.

LeverFi (LEVER) is making a comeback in the DeFi trading game, catching eyes with its recent spike in value that hints at climbing interest levels. But it is important to remember that the thrill of the LeverFi (LEVER) trading game comes with its share of ups and downs due to the ever-changing market tides.

Filecoin (FIL) is disrupting traditional storage services by incentivizing users to rent out spare hard drive space. Geared up for growth with its fearless stance against censorship, Filecoin (FIL) needs to navigate the unpredictable market and outmaneuver strong competitors.

Stellar (XLM) aims to bridge the financial divide with its cross-border payments platform. Stellar (XLM) is pushing hard to make finance more inclusive, yet it has to deftly maneuver through a tough market full of tech-savvy rivals and unpredictable crypto waves.

狗狗幣(DOGE)曾經深受伊隆馬斯克(Elon Musk)推文的影響,現在正試圖建立超越其迷因地位的現實世界價值。

DOGE 正在努力在長期熊市的嚴酷環境中保持相關性並實現價值成長。


展望未來,加密貨幣市場的價值可能會翻倍,達到驚人的 1 兆美元,反映出全球採用率的上升和投資者看漲情緒的飆升。


隨著重量級投資者將目光投向 BTC ETF,我們可能會看到大量資本追逐更具冒險精神的加密貨幣投資。


Render (RNDR) 憑藉其技術實力取得了長足進步,而 Sei (SEI) 則憑藉其以交易為中心的架構獲得了關注。


NEAR Protocol (NEAR) 正在利用比特幣銘文進行創新,而 Polygon (MATIC) 正在為鯨魚活動增加而導致的價值重大轉變做準備。

此外,Maverick Protocol (MAV)、LeverFi (LEVER)、Filecoin (FIL)、Stellar (XLM) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等新興加密貨幣正在為市場帶來多樣化的創新。


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